Looking Back and the Blog as Part of the New Hire Packet?

Note: WordPress appears to be having technical difficulties this evening, so tonight’s post will be photo-less


You know, I was thinking. Screeeeech! (The sound of a car coming to a complete and sudden halt!) Yep, Justopia thinking can quite often be a dangerous undertaking, but it’s when I sometimes attempt to put a random though that blossoms into a full blown day-dream into action that I can get myself into trouble.

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Sunny Seattle

Blue Skies

Tell people you are going to Seattle, Washington and they will either warn you about the rain or tsk tsk, like they pity you because of the bad weather they are sure you will encounter. I have been here 4 times and have yet to experience rain. I should probably not jinx things, but so far, it’s been pretty spectacular out. The weather is cool, but that is just how I prefer it and while some dark clouds have passed by in the past two days, nothing has come out of the sky. I thought that perhaps I’ve always been lucky because I seemed to come here in September, but I’m here at the end of April, so that theory has been shot to hell, and I am not unhappy about that.

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JTV Invades My Dreams — Again!

A Million Old Soldiers Will Fade Away, but a Dream Goes On Forever …

Osso Buco and Zuchini-Feta Fritters

Today’s post about dreams made me think of Todd Rundgren. If you scroll about 1/4 of the way down in the Wiki article about Todd, you will get a glimpse into the major inspiration for the Justopia name. I think it may have been subliminal. While I don’t listen to Todd around the clock anymore, just the memories of wearing the vinyl thin listening to the same songs over and over, sitting next to the phone, waiting for THE phone call brings a smile to my face. Daydreams are great.

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Customer Service With a Smile and a Little JTV Publicity

NOTE: I am doing battle with WordPress this morning. It is simply not cooperating. The only way I could get photos into the post was to link them as a gallery — nothing to aid in breaking up the text in this long post. Hopefully things will be back to “normal” tomorrow.

Run Aroun

I just spent the afternoon in search of what was once a common household item. Well ok, not common in big cities and urban areas perhaps, but back when things were more simple. Slower. Less stressful. Not connected

Alright, I think I better start at the beginning … a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A. B. C. when you sing you begin with … OMG! WTF? This has nothing to do with what I wanted to talk about, but yes, I do believe there were probably plenty of jars of home made, preserved jams, jellies, pickles, sauces and more. Hell, I am quite sure they had Vienna Sausages in the Von Trapp family home! And just how do you think it happened without big canning pots and tongs and packets or bottles of fruit pectin? I’m just askin’!

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JTV Coverage of Current Events is Lacking, A Reality Check and a Schedule Update

Mainstream Media, it’s Not

The bridge to Tiananmen Square seen from The Forbidden City

I came back from my afternoon out and after a snack and the realization that I didn’t come home with all I need to make the jalapeño pepper jelly I had planed to make today, I turned on the TV. I wanted to get a look at what was going on in San Francisco and with the Patreaus hearings on Capitol Hill. As I made my way to CNN, I tuned into JTV at the same time, Interested to see who might be covering the events in San Francisco.

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Finding My Bearings on the New WordPress and a Saturday Night Post

Kyle TV

I was wrapping up the blog post when I received a JTV invite from Kyle of JTV. Kyle is a JTV founder that we’ve seen around the apartment and the office for a year, but who never really caused a stir, so he didn’t make it to the blog other than a mention a few times, and always noted in a positive light.

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When Movies Come to JTV and a Recipe or Two

The Ruins


For those of you into Horror Flicks, I’d imagine this one is an attractive offering and you’ll be at the movies on the 4th

I wrote about The Human Lab Rat channel the other night and asked for comments to see what other people were thinking. Only a few people have responded. Since the film is launching this week, I wanted to finish my thoughts on the channel. I’m wondering how many people went to the channel and stuck it out through the entire preview?

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Oh Please, I Lost to a Monkey?!

Are You Kidding Me?


I needed to test the balsamic marinade prior to delivering the class at the store this morning. It was DEElicious!

I am not sure what to make of the Jwayshow and the 2008 March Madness contest. I downloaded the brackets as I noted in a post last week, but the technology failed. Not only were we unable to see or hear the broadcast, but I didn’t know a number of the 64 channels listed in the brackets. I didn’t bother to cast my votes because I am just not one to vote if I don’t know the candidates. I did not see Jway up on the channel bar all week although he did show up in my broadcast for a few minutes the other night. I just figured he gave up on the whole thing, but I was just about to close my browser and sign off for the night when I received an invite to go to the Jway channel.

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When Differences Are Aired Live and the Evolution of Language

Lifecasting Drama


Hungarian Goulash and Broccoli and Zucchini Gratin

Living your life online can be quite problematic, as we witnessed on one popular JTV channel last night. Imagine everything you say and do being witnessed by people, mostly strangers peering in at you without you knowing who they may be, or really how many people are watching? If your user list states there are 100 people viewing how do you know if someone is watching solo or not? It’s entirely possible they are not alone. It’s a good bet that at some point, on one channel or another there have been flocks of eager voyeurs silently peering in on the activity of an unsuspecting broadcaster.

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What I Did On My Spring Vacation



The Shangri-La, Mactan Island in Cebu, Philippines — oh how I wish I were there

My self-imposed absence from the JTV airwaves was a nice little break. I didn’t do anything monumental. I didn’t do anything that personally gratifying. What I did do was relax and reflect on this past year of JTV madness. I attended the JTV anniversary party and yes, I did a bit of blogging. I did not publish what I wrote, however. That I have saved for tonight. I knew my brain would not shut down so rather than bottling it up and trying to remember it all — we know how unsuccessful that always seems to be for me — I wrote it all here and broke it down into a couple of posts.

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Upside Down Caramel, Almond, Coconut, Banana Cake FTL!! and the Weekly Help Broadcast

What Happened?


I failed. Right there. Live, on .tv. Epic Fail! I had not planned to make a dessert tonight. There was no baking in my future when I got home from work, but after surfing over to one of my favorite food blogs, seeing the photos of a DEElicious looking cake, I decided I would make one on the show tonight. I did not have walnuts, but I made a simple adjustment, I used almonds and toasted coconut. What could be bad, right?

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Getting in the Spirit and The JTV Anniversary Contest Winner Announcement

Serenity NOW

There I was, getting ready to head to the store when I launched Justin.tv and what did I see, but our good friend, the JTV Monkey (I believe his name is … Monkey) in the #1 position on the bar with balloons, streamers and a party hat! So, it looks like I am not the only crazed JTV fan observing the big day, am I? Above is the banner that is now appearing on the Lifedoc channel.

Now, where are those JTVA meetings held anyway? And exactly who or what is the higher power they are talking about when a monkey is the mascot? I have only succeeded in achieving the first step. Alright! I admit I am powerless to the Monkey, but what power can restore me to sanity when a monkey rules? I am so confused!


Another simple dinner tonight – Grilled chicken breast, pomme frites (fried potatoes) and steamed broccoli

I suppose the ball is in my park. I am going to need to gather up the strength to extricate myself from the ties that bind me, keeping me hooked to JTV. So, I’m here, waiting for someone to give me the address for my local JTVA meeting.



Now, what you’ve been waiting for … the announcement of the contest winners. I thought the contest was fun. It brought some of you to the blog that had not previously been readers and some of you discovered justopia.com and hopefully will be regular viewers. Not as many people as I expected played in the game, but those of you that did were diligent about your research! In all, there were 7 responses. The only question that was a little hinky was the final question. I thought the answer was clear, but it seems it was quite open for interpretation so, that said, all but one of you got all 7 answers correct. And I have decided to be very generous… since there were 7 respondents and the contest was 7 days I have decided to award all 7 with a prize!! I am just appreciative of the fact that you paid attention, that you took the time and made the effort to read and that you are Justopia Cooks fans! Thank you!

The winners:

  • Kittiebeatz
  • Texgal
  • Tenten
  • KSPoet2007
  • Dezining4U
  • Peekers
  • OddNumber

Congratulations to all!

JTV 1 Year Anniversary Trivia Contest Questions

  1. What did I call the mode of transportation Justin rode to the airport on the day I first made the proclamation that I was a “JTV convert?”
  2. In which blog post did I note that for the first time Justin was not publishing?
  3. Quote one of the items I stated I did not purchase on my first trip to Costco in 4 years.
  4. Which of the blogs in my blogroll is based in one of the countries/cities I have lived in the past? NOTE: This response requires no date or blog title!
  5. What nick name did we give the guest who appeared on the Justopia Cooks show to help me prepare a DEElicious Indian meal?
  6. What was on the menu the night I created “The Chef’s Table” due to technical problems with the dining room camera which mandated the need to dine in the kitchen?
  7. What do I state is the reason “why I live in Justopia?”

I suppose you’d like the answers? Well, here you go:


Please send me an address where I can send your prize. I will get them packaged up and mailed out when I am off next week.


Happy Anniversary JTV!!!! To Celebrate … or Mourn? Instant Gratification, and a New Leaf on Life?


NOTE:  The questions to the JTV Anniversary Contest are listed at the bottom of this post.  Remember, I’m looking for the title of the blog post, the date of the post and the answer to the question.

Mazel Tov!


We had a Korean dinner tonight — Bi Bim Bap — it was DEElicious!

By all accounts, today is the one year anniversary of JTV, or as I define it, my obsession with all things having nothing to do with reality. Today is one day shy of the event that changed life as I once knew it. March 18, while not π day or the Ides of March is still a monumental one for me. It is the day a 23 year old Yale graduate, living in San Francisco with three of his buddies launched a startup that they hoped to … they wanted to … they planned to … well, I really can’t say what they hoped for the future. I have yet to have the opportunity to chat one on one, via voice with any of them other than a brief 2 minute conversation, a call I had with Michael about 3 months ago as Justopia.com, Powered by JTV, was launching.

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An OMG! a What was I Thinking Moment, a Question, and an “Are You a JTV Maven” Contest Announced!

NOTE: This is going to be a throwback to earlier Living the Justopian Life posts where I muse about a variety of subjects and that takes time, so hunker down, curl up with a blanket or if you are in warmer climes, next to the airconditioner and settle in for a long read…

How Inconsiderate of Me!


Back in the early days, Piglet was a big topic of JTV discussion, here he was helping me do the dishes

Let’s begin with the What was I Thinking Moment, shall we? Upon waking up, stumbling to the computer and opening WordPress to see what the traffic was like overnight, I took another look at last night’s post and realized that right there, right in the middle of a post dedicated to the plight of the hungry I posted two shots of my heaping full plate of dinner! I know that there are some out there that roll their eyes, pound their fists and stomp their feet at some of the dumb arse, non-thinking stuff I do and say, but this one even has me rolling my eyes!

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Technology’s Day to Shine and a JTV-Justopia.com Success Story



Not a great shot, but what I woke up to this morning. SNOW!

So, it finally happened. We finally got the snow I have been asking for. Not a huge blizzard, but enough to give me, a not-so-experienced-at-managing-in-snow-anymore driver a good reason not to get behind the wheel. In the past when there was an event that I was anxious or excited about, one which I looked forward to in eager anticipation, a storm like this would have gotten me totally unnerved, pissed off, actually.


Spicy coconut with fresh-pressed coconut milk, smashed lemon grass and coconut chips

I remember the 3rd grade play, to be specific. Yes, although I can’t remember what someone told me 2 hours ago, but something that happened 43 years ago is top of mind today and no trouble to recall. It looks like my synapses are firing on all cylinders! Woot!

Anyway, I digress. So, I was in the play in Sussex Elementary and had a great little cat costume, wiskers, ears and tail all made by my very crafty mom, ready take with me on the bus to school that morning. But when I woke up, the reports of snow that we’d heard on radio and television were realized and it was coming down hard. There would be no school that day. The phone rang shortly thereafter and it was one of the moms on the phone tree calling to confirm that there would indeed be no play this day and they would be meeting to discuss the next available date for the production. The next available date? What was this, Broadway? We were in 3rd grade for God’s sakes! Whose hectic schedule were we trying to accommodate? The teacher’s? The principal’s? The piano player’s? I was living for that play and in one storm my hopes of cat stardom were put on hold — crushed. I lived to resent snow after that day — well, until the next storm when school was closed and it preempted a test. 🙂

So, when I woke up this morning and saw that the weather men were correct for a change, I did not get a pang of disappointment. There was no resentment for the fluffy white stuff falling out of the sky this day. Nope, unless some weird fluke of technological freakishness comes into play I figure the first ever Justopia.com Iron Chef style cook-off between me and The.Roxie would not be preempted. While the snow plows continue to do their job 14 stories below and the fireplace burns it’s whimpy gas flame in front of me, I will be opening that mysterious package that is sitting on my kitchen counter and waiting to see how The.Roxie will handle the secret ingredient from 3000 miles away.


Spicy coconut sitting on a bed of apricot-almond Couscous with fresh ground coconut and smashed lemon grassho

The event went off without a hitch! Roxie in her corner of the world and yours truly here doing what I do every night — cooking, but with a difference. I am usually very communicative with the viewers. Tonight was a different story. I did not feel this overwhelming need to win, my stress was about wanting the show to go off without a hitch and for Roxie to have a good time and as the hour wore on, it seemed that things were going well and I started to relax.


Treats for last night’s cookie/brownie delights

I wanted to get shots of the lemon grass and coconut before, during and after the preparation, but it was all I could do to focus on the meal I was preparing. Anyway, as the minutes ticked away, I made more and more of a mess in my kitchen. At the end, when I had plenty of time to spare I managed to get a few into the dishwasher, but there was ground up coconut on the floor and a counter piled up with implements of destruction and knives and peelers and more. I was becoming more and more trapped in an enclosure of kitchen paraphernalia and food.

And in This Corner

When the timer reached the 60 minute mark, ChannelZ opened up the voting and while many thought it would be a slam dunk for me, I was not convinced. I know that when I get anxious about something I get intense — worked up — and this was no different. While I am very talkative and interactive during a normal broadcast, tonight I was focusing on just what to do with the two tropical ingredients and was most worried about how I would plate the resulting dishes up. I knew all along that Roxie would take the most entertaining category. She was close in best use of the ingredient and whose meal would you most like to eat. It was not a landslide by any means and that is part of what made it fun.

You can view the results here — The.Roxie vs. Justopia Cook-off.

The other part of what made this such a success is the incredible work ChannelZ put into the event. He tirelessly works each day to ensure that Justopia.com is a shining success and tonight was no different. It is surely not easy putting the first ever .tv cooking challenge together and it’s his know how, creativity and patience that is owed the thanks. He is not only the creator of Justopia.com, but he produces and directs the show each night and tonight was the announcer as well. He kept the audience engaged and was a help to both Roxie and me through out. While the guy is rather humble and oh so mysterious, I am going to have to keep thinking of a way to thank him. But what you all can do to help me in this endeavor is easy … please continue to return to Justopia.com for nightly interactive cooking fun and please … tell your friends, your family, the FedEx man and your dentist about the site and encourage everyone you know to come on by, put their feet up and participate in the Justopian life! And if any of you know someone at your local news channel, can you put in a good word for us? The more viewers the more apt we are to hang around for a while, bringing you food, friends and fun! 🙂

Thanks to the Boys

And last, but not least … a big thanks to JTV for making this all possible! Without the network, there would be no Justopia.com! Thanks guys!!!! Oh, and Norah, if you’re reading, I’m thinking about you girl. Chin up and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Thanks all!