Where Does the Time Go?


How often have you noted that time passes quickly, yet you look back on that period of time and it suddenly seems as though it’s been an eternity?

During tonight’s broadcast someone asked me if the year has gone quickly or if it feels like it’s been a year since I began the Justopia Cooks broadcast and as I took a moment to reflect I thought the answer was really both

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What I Did On My Spring Vacation



The Shangri-La, Mactan Island in Cebu, Philippines — oh how I wish I were there

My self-imposed absence from the JTV airwaves was a nice little break. I didn’t do anything monumental. I didn’t do anything that personally gratifying. What I did do was relax and reflect on this past year of JTV madness. I attended the JTV anniversary party and yes, I did a bit of blogging. I did not publish what I wrote, however. That I have saved for tonight. I knew my brain would not shut down so rather than bottling it up and trying to remember it all — we know how unsuccessful that always seems to be for me — I wrote it all here and broke it down into a couple of posts.

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Upside Down Caramel, Almond, Coconut, Banana Cake FTL!! and the Weekly Help Broadcast

What Happened?


I failed. Right there. Live, on .tv. Epic Fail! I had not planned to make a dessert tonight. There was no baking in my future when I got home from work, but after surfing over to one of my favorite food blogs, seeing the photos of a DEElicious looking cake, I decided I would make one on the show tonight. I did not have walnuts, but I made a simple adjustment, I used almonds and toasted coconut. What could be bad, right?

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Getting in the Spirit and The JTV Anniversary Contest Winner Announcement

Serenity NOW

There I was, getting ready to head to the store when I launched Justin.tv and what did I see, but our good friend, the JTV Monkey (I believe his name is … Monkey) in the #1 position on the bar with balloons, streamers and a party hat! So, it looks like I am not the only crazed JTV fan observing the big day, am I? Above is the banner that is now appearing on the Lifedoc channel.

Now, where are those JTVA meetings held anyway? And exactly who or what is the higher power they are talking about when a monkey is the mascot? I have only succeeded in achieving the first step. Alright! I admit I am powerless to the Monkey, but what power can restore me to sanity when a monkey rules? I am so confused!


Another simple dinner tonight – Grilled chicken breast, pomme frites (fried potatoes) and steamed broccoli

I suppose the ball is in my park. I am going to need to gather up the strength to extricate myself from the ties that bind me, keeping me hooked to JTV. So, I’m here, waiting for someone to give me the address for my local JTVA meeting.



Now, what you’ve been waiting for … the announcement of the contest winners. I thought the contest was fun. It brought some of you to the blog that had not previously been readers and some of you discovered justopia.com and hopefully will be regular viewers. Not as many people as I expected played in the game, but those of you that did were diligent about your research! In all, there were 7 responses. The only question that was a little hinky was the final question. I thought the answer was clear, but it seems it was quite open for interpretation so, that said, all but one of you got all 7 answers correct. And I have decided to be very generous… since there were 7 respondents and the contest was 7 days I have decided to award all 7 with a prize!! I am just appreciative of the fact that you paid attention, that you took the time and made the effort to read and that you are Justopia Cooks fans! Thank you!

The winners:

  • Kittiebeatz
  • Texgal
  • Tenten
  • KSPoet2007
  • Dezining4U
  • Peekers
  • OddNumber

Congratulations to all!

JTV 1 Year Anniversary Trivia Contest Questions

  1. What did I call the mode of transportation Justin rode to the airport on the day I first made the proclamation that I was a “JTV convert?”
  2. In which blog post did I note that for the first time Justin was not publishing?
  3. Quote one of the items I stated I did not purchase on my first trip to Costco in 4 years.
  4. Which of the blogs in my blogroll is based in one of the countries/cities I have lived in the past? NOTE: This response requires no date or blog title!
  5. What nick name did we give the guest who appeared on the Justopia Cooks show to help me prepare a DEElicious Indian meal?
  6. What was on the menu the night I created “The Chef’s Table” due to technical problems with the dining room camera which mandated the need to dine in the kitchen?
  7. What do I state is the reason “why I live in Justopia?”

I suppose you’d like the answers? Well, here you go:


Please send me an address where I can send your prize. I will get them packaged up and mailed out when I am off next week.


Like Sands Through the Hourglass, So are the Days of Our Lives


Lying Buddah Closeup

The Lying Buddah, Bangkok, Thailand

I’ll tell you this right from the start — this blog title is total thievery. I did not write this line of profound proportions, but it says what I am thinking.

Justin.tv has been around for almost a year and I have been around it for the same amount of time and have had a revelation. One that makes me both sentimental and melancholy. I decided to look back and read every comment that has been posted here of which there are currently 785. Now don’t get your pants in a twist. That number is not nearly as crazy as it may seem.

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