I Was a Canning Machine! and a Very Kind Gesture

Working Through It

I’ve had apple butter. I’ve had pumpkin butter. I’ve had Almond butter. But I’ve never had strawberry butter! Can’t wait to try it.

When I have things I need to work through, things that weigh heavily on my mind, I usually turn to the creative, the right side of my brain.

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Customer Service With a Smile and a Little JTV Publicity

NOTE: I am doing battle with WordPress this morning. It is simply not cooperating. The only way I could get photos into the post was to link them as a gallery — nothing to aid in breaking up the text in this long post. Hopefully things will be back to “normal” tomorrow.

Run Aroun

I just spent the afternoon in search of what was once a common household item. Well ok, not common in big cities and urban areas perhaps, but back when things were more simple. Slower. Less stressful. Not connected

Alright, I think I better start at the beginning … a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A. B. C. when you sing you begin with … OMG! WTF? This has nothing to do with what I wanted to talk about, but yes, I do believe there were probably plenty of jars of home made, preserved jams, jellies, pickles, sauces and more. Hell, I am quite sure they had Vienna Sausages in the Von Trapp family home! And just how do you think it happened without big canning pots and tongs and packets or bottles of fruit pectin? I’m just askin’!

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Canning with Justopia? A Little Kitchen Mishap (or How NOT to) and a Flash Problem in the Middle of the Night!

Peppers Everywhere!

I didn’t spend any time on the network today. I had things to attend to that involved reality, not virtual reality. You know, dealing with taxes, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning. The boring, mundane things of adult life, but they have to be done, so I stayed away from JTV until I returned home and tuned in to see what was going on. And frankly, it was just more of the same. So I headed into the kitchen to see what I could dream up to broadcast for dinner.
Hot Pepper Jelly Breakfast

Home made olive bread toast with a schmear of cream cheese and fresh, hot pepper jelly. DEElicious!

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Oh No, I’ve Been Rick Rolled — By CNN!

Hot Gossip

This is going to be ultra hot pepper jelly

I was in a room last night and someone came running in to say that Justin.tv was on CNN Headline News. When we asked what the piece was about, we were told that it was about Rick Astley and about Getting Rick Rolled on JTV and that “they said it was rude.”

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The Canning Season Begins Early at Justopia.com


I don’t have much to say tonight. It’s been a few days of intense cooking and things in real life were filling my brain more than JTV today so I will just post some mouth-watering photos and call it a blog post. I will warn you. I was not thinking with a clear head and didn’t do my usual job of documenting a lot of the steps in each recipe, but here are a few shots to get your mouth watering. Enjoy!

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