What I Did On My Spring Vacation



The Shangri-La, Mactan Island in Cebu, Philippines — oh how I wish I were there

My self-imposed absence from the JTV airwaves was a nice little break. I didn’t do anything monumental. I didn’t do anything that personally gratifying. What I did do was relax and reflect on this past year of JTV madness. I attended the JTV anniversary party and yes, I did a bit of blogging. I did not publish what I wrote, however. That I have saved for tonight. I knew my brain would not shut down so rather than bottling it up and trying to remember it all — we know how unsuccessful that always seems to be for me — I wrote it all here and broke it down into a couple of posts.

I also did some channel viewing. I spent more time watching channels than I have in the past 6 months and aside from a room or two, I didn’t find much of interest. I watched MagicRich’s road trip to the US and noticed that he seemed a bit lost and out of sorts. I didn’t watch him long enough on any one occasion really, but he just didn’t seem to have that enthusiasm and pluck that normally comes with a MagicRich broadcast.

Sure, jet lag slows you down, but he’s a young guy, someone told me just 21, so after a couple of days that should really not be a factor. I don’t know if it was the company he was keeping or the things he was doing, but even his viewers seemed rather subdued.


Somewhere on the Mexican Riviers — it’s all a bit of a blur 9 years later

One thing seemed clear to me — without games and prizes, it’s tough to “fill a room.” Part of this could be that there was no real schedule on the trip and many of his loyal viewers would appear at what seemed to be the “normal” time he’d do a show and when he wasn’t on or wasn’t doing a planned show, they’d file out.

I have noticed the same thing with my broadcast. Now, I will NEVER presume to be an entertainer or to have the kind of numbers Rich draws, but when I had trivia running, either automated or not, with or without prizes, in my room, the audience was larger and more consistent. Some would magically appear when trivia began, not to be seen again until it started up again the next evening.

I saw the audience grow (not to anything really large) and remain fairly consistent during the “So You Think You’re a JTV Maven” anniversary contest and not only in the room, but the number of blog hits spiked and stayed up until I announced the winners and went on brake as well. It seems that the key to retaining viewers, to keeping those that are not “hard core” is to play games and give stuff away. This assumption is based on nothing statistically valid, it’s just from the gut.

Party Like It’s 2000


Decorated in JTV style

I’m going to say it. It needs saying. I apologize for the sexism but … Boys don’t know how to throw a party! There. I said it, now go beat me up, but first let me tell you why I’ve come to this conclusion. Ok! Ok! Ok! Ok! I don’t mean boys as in ALL boys, I mean the guys from JTV. Better? Those of you that would slam me for not having a nice word to say about the guys I’ll say this. Nice lighting.

  • Where was the food?
  • Where was the entertainment?
  • Where were the anniversary toasts, the congratulatory remarks to a year well done?

There seemed to be so many opportunities. I feel like I am watching a dorm party but in a much nicer venue and with grown ups. Or, perhaps a party at someone’s house while the parents are away on vacation.


Now, I’ve only watched about an hour of the archives, but it’s quite a subdued event. I didn’t manage to stay up all night watching. It just didn’t grab my attention, so I headed off to bed just a bit after midnight.

From what I could see, the large office space easily accommodated the guests, there were no tables set up for food. The two kegs of beer shrouded in red appeared to be the main attraction and I realized this was really just an event for the JTV staff, viewers and broadcasters to get together. It was a 2D comes to life in a 3D mixer. It’s kind of a shame. Everyone seems relaxed and to be having a good time, so I suppose that is the mark of a successful party in some respects.


Magic Rich’s Channel Broadcasting the Event

Being the JTV Foodie, I’d like to have catered this event. If I had, this would have been the menu:

  • Maple Burbon Glazed Pulled Pork on Small Onion Rolls with Lettuce/Onion/Tomato and cole slaw on the side
  • Mahogany Chicken Wings
  • Fried Wontons and Steamed Dumplings with dipping sauces
  • San Francisco Chronicle Cones of Crisply Fried Shoestring Potatoes with Spicy Chilean Merken Seasoning
  • Beer Battered Tempura Veggies
  • Brie En Croute
  • Crispy Corn Tortillas with Guacamole and Salsa Fresca
  • DEElightfully DEElicious Decadent Chocolate Extravaganza Cake


“Tell me a little more about this delay you experience?”

I wouldn’t have gone crazy, but we would have had culinary representation from a few continents. It would have been a small affair with bites that go well with large amounts of beer and food that appeals to Saturday night party-goers. All this for 50 people for the low low price of $3000 exclusive of travel and lodging for 2 days and inclusive of decorating, set up, clean up and break down at the end of the event. Now, tell me, would this not have helped things move along and left a great impression?

Meanwhile, Back in the “Real World”


I got to make Dutch Baby Pancakes in the Store a few times this week


They were a big hit!


I am going to have to make this the next time company comes!


Next time I think I will add chopped walnuts or pecans and just a drizzle of maple syrup to glaze


Dutch Baby Pancake mix flew off the shelves, smiles were seen around the store and it was a happy Easter atmosphere all around. Success! 🙂

11 Responses

  1. nice to have u back……..glad y got ur much needed rest and relaxation

  2. Thanks Dezining! I’ll “see” you in the kitchen in 7 hours! 🙂

  3. Great post, kinda mirrors my thoughts (your’s are less severe). Take a look: http://holla.lalafufu.com/?p=13 As much as I want to wish them the best I feel like epic failure is imminent. See: http://www.end-on-end.com/2006/08/21/lessons-learned-from-kiko

    I see some of those same problems from kiko plaguing JTV. Besides, Youtube is coming with the live streaming component and they claim they’ll sweep the floor with all competing services out there. It’s going to be an interesting next couple of months for sure.


  4. Hey there Can I…

    Thanks for the comment. I am not sure if your comment was really meant for this post or perhaps one in which I’ve questioned the rebroadcasting of copyrighted materials on JTV channels? I am in the midst of writing about it again for tonight’s post, actually. I’ve written about it in the past, but have not let the cannons fire. The fact that whole games or TV shows are shown in full, with nothing, not even a disclaimer (not that a disclaimer would excuse anyone) just baffles me. Almost stuns me into silence really.

    I read your post yesterday and hadn’t formulated my comment on your post well enough to publish it yet, but I agree. There is certainly the great possibility that the broadcasting of network television on multiple channels could cause more harm than the JTV team is willing to admit. I’m going to ramble about it in my post, but it has me scratching my head. That’s for sure.

  5. Good afternoon Justy,

    The pics look amazing! What exactly are (the ingredients) for making Dutch Baby Pancakes? I remember you mentioning that the store sells a mix. It looks like a great start to updating the classic frittata? I could see a nice egg/mushroom/peppers/cheese omelet worked into the recipe.

    Thanks for sharing the pics,


  6. Hi Tyler!

    Thanks. Actually, it’s much more a pancake than a fritatta. To me, this is like Yorkshire pudding, but slightly sweet, not savory. You just whisk 3 eggs, add 3/4 cup of milk and 3/4 cup of the mix (which is probably nothing more than flour and some sugar) and that’s the batter. Then I heated a frying pan in the oven at 400 degrees, took it out, added 3 tablespoons of unsweetened butter and poured the batter in. I had already sautéed one apple that I did not peel, but sliced very thinly in butter and a little sugar. Brown sugar would be best. Once the batter is in the pan add the apples on top and put the pan in the oven for 25-ish minutes. You will see the “baby” rise on the edges like a pan of Yorkshire pudding and once it’s out of the oven and beginning to cool the sides will begin to collapse. It is a wonderful thing! DEElicious and quite visually appealing.

  7. @justopia My ADD kicked in when I wrote the comment. I’ve been looking around on the web from sites like valleywag to newteevee and the consensus is not good for them. Looking at the alexa stats the overall numbers are good but the domestic numbers are appalling with just 18% USA traffic visiting the site. No US based advertiser in his right might would put money into a site with that type of percentage.

  8. If the JTV experience goes away will you continue on with the Justopian Life?

  9. Hi Can I Live,

    Yes, I have noticed the Alexa numbers as well. Michael has reached out ot me to say that they don’t go by Alexa, but I am not an Internet analyst, nor do I profess to be a lawyer, so I can only make personal assessments which I guess are pretty worthless. I just know that from what I see, the boost in hits came with the recent rebroadcasting of international sports as well as domestic events like NCAA basketball, etc. and without those channels we would continue to see live viewer counts in the hundreds.

    I’ve got to say … I’m not sure its bodes much better out on Yahoo or LiveVideo or BlogTV or any one of the other myriad of live video broadcasting sites that are popping up.

    What has kept me hanging around JTV for just over a year is community, but that is quickly dying out as well. I see that in my own channel. People come in with great enthusiasm, but after time they fade away. I have to guess that either I am not providing enough entertainment or people have lives to get on with or both.

    In any event, I plan to keep on doing what I’ve been doing and just monitor things as they progress — or don’t. I am waiting to see if YouTube launches their live streaming product. If anyone is going to get it right, it might be a YouTube/Google model, but live streaming media open to the public to broadcast on still might just be a few years before its time.

    As far as blogging goes — I’ve created a few new domains that are waiting for me to use if Living the Justopian Life is no longer pertinent.

  10. hi ^^

    i wonder your recipe( dutch baby).

    i can not english , i’m sorry

    i’m here seoul

    thank you

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