Worthwhile Viewing


I came home from work and tuned into JTV and saw a new face on the top bar — Postmodern ArtistTV. Natasha paints colorful, fun pieces that I would like to own. I watched her finish a piece this evening and the photograph it and put it up for auction. You can take a look at her work on Flickr. She’s creating the kind of images in the style I have wanted to have a logo made of. The room was calm and although she did not speak, she was responding to questions in chat. Of course there were detractors in the room. People challenging her on her name. Postmodern was not sitting well with one viewer. Why does someone care? It’s her expression of her art and her name.

As I was watching she received an order for the painting she had just finished and the payment came through before she logged off. Wow! That was great to see. A cool $100 for a wonderful painting. Her effort and talent had an immediate reward. The buyer seemed to be very happy with his/her purchase and made a comment about the need to stay away from this channel. I can see how it could become a fast addiction and a fast draw on the wallet.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of the community of artists that is developing on JTV.

Commitment and Follow Through

Hmmm…what happened to the Broadcaster Highlight Awards winner notification? It was supposed to have happened yesterday and didn’t. People were speculating that the deadline may have been extended because of the voter fraud that happened at the launch of the finale, but if that were the case, shouldn’t the contest be wrapped up by today? It’s a mystery and it feels as though the entire contest has just fizzled out. It was on a real roll, but now people are probably starting to forget about it and to move on.

Finishing what you start is important in life and this goes back to communication. How may times have I beaten this dead horse already? If things had to be delayed, a short note in the JTV blog would have sufficed. Letting people know what is going on is key.

Holiday Schedule

Since I am going to be spending the holiday season wrapped up in retail working at Williams-Sonoma for the next few weeks, I am going to need to pull back on the blog just a bit. Broadcasting nightly dinners and blogging and going some of the background work that needs to be done for Justopia.com has stretched me a bit thin. I still love staying up until 3am, but can’t continue that sleep schedule and hold up on the sales floor 6-plus hours a day. I am not going to blog tomorrow night, but will be back Thursday after Thanksgiving dinner at my friend’s house and will see what is happening on JTV. I am hoping for some good viewing on the holiday.