Thanksgiving Approaches and Some Channel News


Thanksgiving is upon us and the pumpkin cheesecake is done and in the fridge chilling. Tonight was a Breakfast for Dinner night and although it was simple fare of an omelet, bacon and toast with Wegman’s Triple Berry Jam, it was DEElicious and just what I was in the mood for after a long Wednesday before Thanksgiving day rush at the store. I am looking forward to a day away from the computer (for 4 – 6 hours at least) relaxing, catching up with old friends and enjoying a nice holiday together. I just wish the weather would cooperate and act like it was late November! Oh well, c’est la vie.


I want to give a shout out to a new channel that launched tonight. Cindy1 has been a loyal Justopia viewer and a staunch supporter of, even making a very thoughtful donation to help purchase gifts for the Trivia Challenges. In the past week or so, Cindy has sung for us on the Justopia broadcast and decided it was so much fun that she would launch her own channel. Congrats to you Cindy and well done. We’ll look forward to more singing broadcasts in the future!

New Channel


Not my cup of tea

Before I went on tonight, I was told to check out a new channel — that there was a lot of build up for it. I went in and have no idea what was going on. I am not into video games and this seemed to be a game, but with an evil side. I was busy prepping for my show, so I could not take the time to investigate, but I did catch a screen shot and it made me feel like I was seeing horrible quality video of a news report that we saw over and over just a couple of years ago of incidents in Iraq. I didn’t stick around. Instead, I headed right over to Postmodern ArtistTV’s room and she was painting as she’d promised.


Postmodern Artist Painting for the Fans

Earlier in the day I popped in on Antinormalcomics and he was finishing up a drawing. He asked if any of us wanted him to doodle and unfortunately I was just a hair too late, but when he got finished making a fun “Spork Chasing Peaches” drawing, he said he would need a day or so to think about making another one for me, but I am very excited to see what he comes up with. I am thinking something very Justopian — Me with my arms crossed, my favorite green silicone spatula in my hand in the kitchen. I am sure whatever he comes up with will be great!


I love the channel designs the JTV artists in residence come up with. They are by far better than any I have seen.

I’ve added Arnaud’s blog to my blogroll. You may know Arnaud from the FromParis channel. He too has a great looking channel with an amazing banner with the Louvre in the background. I took a quick look at his blog since he mentioned that he was adding me to his blog roll and I thought I’d check it out. It too is clean and visually appealing. I read that he is going to be moving to the US in January. He just came here, I wonder how he managed to wrap that up so quickly?

Intervention Time!

Oh! And by the way … If you haven’t seen this site yet, it’s about time you hustle over! I meant to mention it the other day but I got sidetracked. How many times have I mentioned that I was in dire need of a JTV intervention? Well, now there is a website devoted to the subject!  If you’re no strange to this blog, then I do believe you are in need of a JTV Intervention as well!  Run, don’t walk to the site.

Well, it’s time to get some much needed rest — Happy Thanksgiving!!